Colleagues, I apologize in advance for offtop. Just recently in blogs and various online publications, we increasingly see the various comments and discussions on the topic of how we all bad, there is not so, there is not such. For Muscovites has become fashionable to say "that's when Luzhkov was not like this" ... and the sky was blue and the air cleaner ....
I guess this is normal before the elections. I have to say that personally I am also very unhappy with many things, but as a professor would say the Transfiguration (In the novel "Heart of a Dog"):
"ruin it in their heads, if everyone is past the toilet to pee, then come and ruin!"
Our society and the country is sick ... disease complications and gives instantly recover we will not ... but ultimately it depends on each one of us.
Here, ask yourself themselves the question that you recently made to the world around you got a little better and kinder? When did you last donated money to the sick, Orphans ?.... you donate blood? ... yes even elementary, miss you on the road pedestrians when driving?
anger and resentment - this is normal, so it should be, but it must be accompanied by concrete actions (and not necessarily the pogroms and revolutions).
These are the thoughts here, colleagues ! All a good weekend!