Peru with a second glance seemed even worse - a continuous dull desert with dark clay barns, landfills and chernolitsymi Peruvians, where in addition to the capital Lima and the ancient Inca city photogenic and smashing down their energy Machu_Pikchu, doing nothing special. Colca Canyon, the depth of 3200 meters deep, reminded Ostap Bender's failure to collect money for a hypothetical possibility to see the two condors, which are already flew from the nest, and somewhere at the bottom circle.

In Peru, I lost one of its cameras - the camera was an old, flooded with water, lens cover opened only with your fingers, and another in early December in Malaysia, I bought a new one, but still miserable. Pack all into a backpack for a long journey, I wanted to take pictures of welcome posts on the Ecuadorian-Peruvian border, and then for some reason I put the camera into the outer pocket of a backpack and forgotten For some reason I did not hang the lock on the backpack, and for some reason wore a backpack on his back, although he always wore on his chest, and with a travel sloppiness here are actively fighting. Their methods.
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