So what are these techniques:
1) Understatement cost - ie When initially in order to win the tender, or just make an interesting predolzhenie price somewhat understated, and later, under various pretexts (the change of field work, additional work problematic issues and so on.) holds additional cheat account for the customer.
Note to Customer: The price should not be a determining factor or you risk either overpay or receive poor-quality work.
from the following: consulting - it's a work in which all of course very difficult to accurately "Gaugeable and prices have different companies can vary quite seriously, so it's important to watch what is selling for the money that you are asking for. There is a wonderful quote Baron de Rothschild: "We are not so rich to buy cheap things, sometimes it is very urgent.
2) Changeling team - is when to contract you show a team of super-experts, eminent, experienced and all such certified ... and after signing all the papers come to you folks ... Well gently speaking ... somewhat lower qualifications .... although paid for something you do for other people.
Note to Customer: before the contract ask for an exactly the team that will work for you, not just experts working with the artist.
from myself: to be honest when communicating with clients, I understand that such situations occur quite often. a presentation on selling services to come to the coolest specialists (typically directors of departments, leading experts), but the work and then different people.
3) Delayed project - because a consultant is paid by the hour, the longer the project goes, the more more will get a consultant, and therefore in their interest to delay the project as possible (or, at least not to contribute to its acceleration).
Note to Customer: team, and ideally the project manager on your side should clearly monitor performance and compliance with all terms of the project.
of my own: for Russia This situation is not relevant because yet we still rarely sign contracts without final value, ie when IB is paid hourly consulting.
4) Bullying - mostly these techniques apply to companies that are engaged in some kind of custom development or maintenance of IT / IS (to a lesser degree of consulting) and due to the fact that when you try to change the contractor customer usually finds himself in a situation where the current contractor is doing everything to this change was the least profitable customer, trying to intimidate potential problems so that ultimately deter the decision to change.
Note to Customer: carefully check (as possible), the company that are planning to hire for serious work or to provide critical services.
of my own: the transition from one company to another is always a difficult procedure, so it's best to take care of choosing good contractor, so that later, as they say, do not tear your head hair.
5) Resale of foreign products / services with an additional wrap - doing your job Consultant may recommend the purchase of additional hardware or software, and services of a third party, but when purchasing these services consulting company performing the resale of wind the extra cost (and sometimes quite strongly).
Note to Customer: Before acquisition of additional products / services are encouraged to review other existing proposals.
of my own: in general, have a single supplier not always so bad, most importantly that this supplier is not "lifted up" price. usually consulting company offering software or hardware have an additional discount from the developer, to get that directly contact the vendor does not, therefore, is not always possible to buy cheaper.
6) Selling the most powerful solutions - despite the fact that the problem sometimes closes fairly simple measures, the consultants propose the introduction of powerful, advanced and multi-functional solution that estesstvenno is not cheap.
Note to Customer: compare the functional proposed you solutions to your potrebonostyami or ask to provide several possible solutions to your problem (for example: cheap and good, middling, expensive and cool)
from myself: this often happens when a company is a consultant, including the developer of any software or hardware solutions. Consulting is working to ensure that decisions to sell this company, even if their functionality is somewhat broader that the customer needed.
7) Simulation competence - consultant always knows how to solve your problem? Not always, but some still try to pretend that understand your question. Outcome can be unpredictably sad.
Note to customers: first collect information on the qualifications of the company you want to attract the project, and set in the project brief goal-specific results. Failure to achieve this result by a target date can be the first sign possible incompetence of counsel.
of my own: in the wake of the crisis, when companies fire from a large number of specialists, as well as the explosive growing interest in information security, spurred by the law on personal data, a huge number of consulting companies (startups). And not all of them have the necessary experience / qualifications that does not prevent them to claim otherwise.
can still add from myself that sometimes you have to confronted with the fact that some consultants use the fact that the customer is not very versed in the topics (for example, the implementation of 152-FL) "vparivaet" additional products / services, it is not necessary to the client (certification, expensive equipment to protect against PAMIN and so on.) and thus creates more problems than it solves.
And from what you encountered?
PS why I wrote this? because I am just a consultant? yes it is very easy, using such techniques does not paint our profession and creates conditions distrust the work that carried out by consultants. In my opinion this is unacceptable. Initially, more honest relationship between the customer and the consultant give much more value and performance. Therefore, choose advisers with the mind ... and do not fall on dirty tricks ... :)
Note to Customer: The price should not be a determining factor or you risk either overpay or receive poor-quality work.
from the following: consulting - it's a work in which all of course very difficult to accurately "Gaugeable and prices have different companies can vary quite seriously, so it's important to watch what is selling for the money that you are asking for. There is a wonderful quote Baron de Rothschild: "We are not so rich to buy cheap things, sometimes it is very urgent.
2) Changeling team - is when to contract you show a team of super-experts, eminent, experienced and all such certified ... and after signing all the papers come to you folks ... Well gently speaking ... somewhat lower qualifications .... although paid for something you do for other people.
Note to Customer: before the contract ask for an exactly the team that will work for you, not just experts working with the artist.
from myself: to be honest when communicating with clients, I understand that such situations occur quite often. a presentation on selling services to come to the coolest specialists (typically directors of departments, leading experts), but the work and then different people.
3) Delayed project - because a consultant is paid by the hour, the longer the project goes, the more more will get a consultant, and therefore in their interest to delay the project as possible (or, at least not to contribute to its acceleration).
Note to Customer: team, and ideally the project manager on your side should clearly monitor performance and compliance with all terms of the project.
of my own: for Russia This situation is not relevant because yet we still rarely sign contracts without final value, ie when IB is paid hourly consulting.
4) Bullying - mostly these techniques apply to companies that are engaged in some kind of custom development or maintenance of IT / IS (to a lesser degree of consulting) and due to the fact that when you try to change the contractor customer usually finds himself in a situation where the current contractor is doing everything to this change was the least profitable customer, trying to intimidate potential problems so that ultimately deter the decision to change.
Note to Customer: carefully check (as possible), the company that are planning to hire for serious work or to provide critical services.
of my own: the transition from one company to another is always a difficult procedure, so it's best to take care of choosing good contractor, so that later, as they say, do not tear your head hair.
5) Resale of foreign products / services with an additional wrap - doing your job Consultant may recommend the purchase of additional hardware or software, and services of a third party, but when purchasing these services consulting company performing the resale of wind the extra cost (and sometimes quite strongly).
Note to Customer: Before acquisition of additional products / services are encouraged to review other existing proposals.
of my own: in general, have a single supplier not always so bad, most importantly that this supplier is not "lifted up" price. usually consulting company offering software or hardware have an additional discount from the developer, to get that directly contact the vendor does not, therefore, is not always possible to buy cheaper.
6) Selling the most powerful solutions - despite the fact that the problem sometimes closes fairly simple measures, the consultants propose the introduction of powerful, advanced and multi-functional solution that estesstvenno is not cheap.
Note to Customer: compare the functional proposed you solutions to your potrebonostyami or ask to provide several possible solutions to your problem (for example: cheap and good, middling, expensive and cool)
from myself: this often happens when a company is a consultant, including the developer of any software or hardware solutions. Consulting is working to ensure that decisions to sell this company, even if their functionality is somewhat broader that the customer needed.
7) Simulation competence - consultant always knows how to solve your problem? Not always, but some still try to pretend that understand your question. Outcome can be unpredictably sad.
Note to customers: first collect information on the qualifications of the company you want to attract the project, and set in the project brief goal-specific results. Failure to achieve this result by a target date can be the first sign possible incompetence of counsel.
of my own: in the wake of the crisis, when companies fire from a large number of specialists, as well as the explosive growing interest in information security, spurred by the law on personal data, a huge number of consulting companies (startups). And not all of them have the necessary experience / qualifications that does not prevent them to claim otherwise.
can still add from myself that sometimes you have to confronted with the fact that some consultants use the fact that the customer is not very versed in the topics (for example, the implementation of 152-FL) "vparivaet" additional products / services, it is not necessary to the client (certification, expensive equipment to protect against PAMIN and so on.) and thus creates more problems than it solves.
And from what you encountered?
PS why I wrote this? because I am just a consultant? yes it is very easy, using such techniques does not paint our profession and creates conditions distrust the work that carried out by consultants. In my opinion this is unacceptable. Initially, more honest relationship between the customer and the consultant give much more value and performance. Therefore, choose advisers with the mind ... and do not fall on dirty tricks ... :)
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