«I have all of you to the grave with printout, whore! ", brandishing an iron crutch to me hunched old woman approached. I must say that English is very poor for abuse and obscene words, and once, a note of the African government of the famous anecdote in it just does not make.
in deep thought studied I happened one late night map of South America in the window of Buenos Aires, wondering how would be so easier to get to Brazil, where many wild monkeys, the Do all the normal people from Argentina, or from Paraguay, and can, in general, from Bolivia ...
«all went to hell, damn Uruguayans!", Summed up the old and poked a stick into a yellow spot on the map with the inscription Uruguay.

long time ago, two neighbors in a communal apartment, Uruguay and Argentina, separated natural boundary on the River Uruguay, signed an agreement to behave neighborly, mother nature preserve and a river that, upstream, no shit.

Four years ago, the Uruguayan side with the English firm and without notice, Argentina has built on the River Pulp (pulp and paper mill Botnia), a neighbor of a insolence ahuel and progugliv Internet on request "as give a shit neighbor, stole soap from shared baths, included at full volume" demobilization "punk bands "Gaza" at 3 am, he wrote on the door indelible nitro-known words of three letters, and other bases, and eventually sued.

In That day the International Court in The Hague ruled that Uruguay had violated the treaty, but the factory is not closed, as evidence that he was crap in the river did not find that provoked a storm of protest throughout Argentina by calling "all under the gun" and "we will hang up and bury."
Tomorrow I am going to Uruguay ...
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