birth of a supernova .... Philosophy
Sometimes understanding of economic trends in society gives opportunity not only to make money, but also successfully taking care of their health - the health of the physical and spiritual material.
not pass the proposed article as, in our opinion, it will help make a correct and serious choice in their favor, and to change attitudes closer look closely the long-known and established.
Who benefits from sick people?

Who benefits from sick people?
better be well fed and wealthy than poor and sick! Firmly believes in the truth of this formula, some already in the 30 - 40 years suffer from chronic "scabs", weight loss and degeneration of the purse! In my opinion, the main cause of these "diseases" - Lack of knowledge in the broadest sense, disharmony in man's inner world with the physical sensations and the world. According
scientists, the cause of most diseases and health problems are unhealthy diet, unhealthy lifestyle and obesity, which affects large the number of people on the planet. For example, in the U.S., according to statistics, the weight of higher than normal in 61% of the population in England - 60% in Russia, Germany and China at 54%! Unfortunately, this situation only getting worse, and many of us give our children the disease is inherited.
Why is this happening? What is the cause of truly epidemic spread obesity? One of the main reasons - the wrong way of life, and particularly vysokouglevodnoe diet, rich in calories, including synthetic additives.
Who benefits?
For example, in America, from the entire 10-trillion turnover a special place is occupied by two industries, "feed" each other: Industry fast food (fast-food) and packaged foods and Industry himfarmpreparatov.
Industry vysokouglevodnyh and packaged foods, fast food: high-energy a diet rich in carbohydrates, the use of culinary additives, stupefy saturation, as well as preservatives, coloring agents and transgenic ingredients. Leads to metabolic disorders, which makes people sugar-and glyukozozavisimymi. Long-term consequences: weakening of immunity, osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, shortening of life.
Suffice it to say that the diagnosis carried out in a week of diabetes in Moscow, when people are free measured the level of sugar in the blood, identified 40,000 patients with diabetes.
«New" patients who have their diabetes did not suspected! Many of us have a set of characteristic symptoms, but we do not notice: fatigue, dry mouth, sweating.
Pharmaceutical Industry: Therapy aimed at combating symptoms, treatment of disease rather than prevent them. Prescription medications, does not eliminate the true cause of the disease, causing side effects. Consequences: drug intoxication that destroys the liver, kidneys, exchange system in the body Dependence from himfarmpreparatov. The shortening of life.
«Thanks to the" Industry cooperation vysokouglevodnyh products with pharmaceuticals man embroiled in a vicious range of problems: poor nutrition - illness - himfarmpreparaty - side effects - stronger drugs and hormones, in the end - "bouquet" of chronic diseases, destruction of the body. in the world now there are about 80,000 names of medicines. World Health Organization states that enough 240 effective drugs to cope with various diseases, and all those tens of thousands - it's commerce pure water! Just under a new brands of old chemical formula, which people did not take, because they know that this medication has side effects and contraindications. Nevertheless, pharmaceutical industry profits reached fantastic figures - 800%! difficult to change anything, because this industry - part of the country's economy, it's taxes, workers place, the system of vocational education and so on, moreover, is an established system of stereotypes, it's a whole culture for many generations.
But in the XXI century, these industries will be forced to to share their profits with a new industry: Wellness. Who benefits from healthy people?
In Europe and America is now 30% of the population - people born in Between 1948 and 1965, during the "baby boom" years after the war, the children "baby boom". They produce 50% of all U.S. trade. They earn the most big money working in the fields of housing, automobile, computer software. "Baby boomers" go to sports clubs, improve the quality of their diets, take vitamins and mineralosoderzhaschie complexes, interested in everything that supports their health.
They are willing to pay today $ 200 billion a year for maintaining health and improving quality of life, to avoid large spending on expensive medical care in the future. They will then be willing to pay more to fight the effects of aging. In the next 10 years, their spending on health will increase to $ 1 trillion per year! Fortunately, this trend in recent years began to show in Russia. We have much to be proud of: more than a third of Russians are physically active lifestyle. About 30% of adults Russian residents in the past year actively trying to lose weight. Wellness - synonymous with health.
Wellness (from English well - good) - a joyous, harmonious, full-blooded life, based on a positive attitude and excellent state of health.
emergence of a new class of buyers willing to pay for his health, was decisive factor in the growth Wellness-services.
This is a whole philosophy.
Philosophy prosperity in all spheres of our lives - physical and spiritual, social and mental
main stem of the theory began to prevention and prevention of diseases and signs of aging, both external and internal, organic.
Consumer niche was quickly filled with all sorts of fitness complex, ranging from traditional gyms and sessions of classical massage to exotic baths, spa-resorts, fitness yoga, etc.
special place among the methods for the prevention of aging and disease occupy enriched with vitamins and mineral products.
Wellness market today in terms of turnover is comparable to the sector, hi-tech («high-tech - high tech). The annual turnover of the industry in the world is 425 billion dollars-depth analysis of this phenomenon has come an American businessman, economist and author Paul Zane Pilzer (Paul Zane Pilzer). extraordinary personality, a man who in 25 years became a millionaire, a little later - a university professor and author of three bestsellers. "Skate" Paul Pilzer - economic forecasting. His surprisingly accurate predictions, which is why it is an economic advisor to the three already in the administration of U.S. President. One of his books, "The Revolution Wellness. How to create a fortune in the next trillion dollar industry, even provoked congressional hearings. Were made two important conclusions.
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