In 7 am the owner of a small desk rental bike is meaningless at the empty bottle Kirishi distillery Leningrad area and as I entered eagerly reported that yesterday in his closet was "Very, Very Beautiful Blonde Khair Rushen Lady", has taken on a bike and ebanula 40-degree blazing sun 70 kilometers, which does not fit into the system of the universe Laotian citizen. "I slept all day after 15 hours of night moving, swept through my cheek stingy man's tears of disappointment.

Xen Khuan Province is famous for its stone jugs scattered in 90 places, from 1 to 400 pieces, many tens of kilometers on the hilltops. Due to the lack of biological remains, age monoliths, not exactly known, presumably 2000 years ago, it is not clear and the true purpose of stone vessels.

In the first version, the jugs were stored the ashes of their dead ancestors, burned nearby in a cave on the second, a water storage vessels and the third, a pitcher is nothing but moonshine production "Lao-lao" Laotian wine stronghold about 30 degrees.

None of these versions can not be considered seriously, since it remains unclear why were required so much effort, if all could be done much easier. Unknown is also a way of manufacturing, whether pitchers were cut either sandstone either collected from cement, sand, water and cow dung. Solid puzzle.

Michael Kozhukhov with two fighters operators, was simple, benevolent man with lung boduntsa. They worked very quickly and professionally filmed a scene from one, a maximum of two takes, and texts cause genuine interest.

Michael, looking at my baseball cap with the word "Colombia", said he was in this country while still a correspondent already back in 1993, much has already faded from memory, but one thing he would never forget: "Every second Colombian - beauty queen," confided he told me, and then romantically thoughtfully looked over, sighed and added, already known to you from me about this phrase "This is fucked up!".

And then I was struck by a very brilliant idea "Let's, Michael, for all Russian men for the holiday ... Imagine ... "with enthusiasm I began, "the average Russian man wakes up on February 23, at noon, after yesterday's corporate party, my head is cracking, you do not want to live ... fragments of memories ... tolstozhopye buhgaltershi, sending another batch of salad fork into something a little above the triple chin, sexy dancing a la the six, pressed her immense boobs ... "You really like me, Waldemar", leaving the face aspirated cheap lipstick ... I want to live less and less ... somewhere nearby, in a formless haystack liquid hair moaned wife, also after a corporate party, and painted and painted a terrible terrible ... ouououou vixen ... a man ready to immediately shoot and this time with the TV voice Michael Kozhukhova:

«Tired of living this life? dream of going to paradise? There is a place on earth I'm in Cali, Colombia. It's fucked up, dear viewers! "And non-stop with a second Avenida, Friday evening, life-style rumba, and you do nothing, just turn the camera right on the sidewalk and write in a row all mimoprohodyaschih goddesses. And yet .... a man's eyes bulging, breath quickened intermittent, drool bubbles to the knee, the interest for a full life. "
Michael promised to think about.