the first working day of the new week I had to solve two technical charades - to repair, flowing every two minutes suspended animation in the non-refundable, laptop, and wash camera from sprawling all over the lens of the black spots that are favorably formed in the fertile soil of me as a novice photographer inferiority complex, or buy new.

Google squeezed onto the screen a list of service partners ASUS and Panasonic in some unimaginable Bangkok zazhopyah and I sighed heavily, from the inevitability of carrying out such jobs went to "Night Watch", or hiking with a sexual bias to whom somehow ...

Head of the department receiving the service center ASUS greeted the birth of the dark box bedolagi Laptop Backpack Accounting greeting:
- «800 rubles!»
- «Well, I nodded.
- «From five to seven days."
- «Well, I nodded.
- «What worries us?" Finally moved to action by stealth.

By many empirical observations I have been logically deduced that the inflow of suspended animation unit correlates with the movement of this demonic machines in space. Of course, the absolute certainty I did not have, but in practice almost (two words) has proved that a cockroach without legs can not hear.
- «That works," and, turning the laptop into the air, "now is not working!", I outlined the problem.
- «Shaman, however, admired Madame," I'll show you our computer guru. "

- «The Master said, the keyboard is broken," firmly diagnosed priemschitsa came back.
- «How keyboard ???!!!», I already choked. Even my impotent computer education, acquired at a screen pop-eyed ISKRA-1030 back in his university years, enough to understand - the killer can be anyone, just not the gardener.
- «A tachped?", I retorted, "does not work!" And curled up funny faces, showed taiko language.

- «And tachped broken" - not at all embarrassed busily concluded that.
- «Ahuet!!! Slowly slid off the chair I was under the table, along the way figure out how much it cost me half of the replacement of the visible part of the book. By However, if 5 days I still like it enough, then 7 days later I was in India, but to say definitely how many days are required for the repair of exactly Nobody could.
- «Fools all of you here, I politely said goodbye and headed to the next level of this quest games - the service center Panasonic.

Covered a thick layer of dust Panasonic Service Center located at the side of multiband and Avenue was blocked up to the ceiling by some prehistoric cluster VCRs, fax and telephone office with indelible stains of dirt, so that even give space for the operation precision cleaning the lens Camera of German company with a Russian name Leica was somehow ssykotno.

Master and attach to your ear the camera and rolling his eyes blissfully as krasnodiplomnik student of the Moscow Conservatory with the tongue-Jewish name at the sound of Bach's suites, listened to several times the noise travelers subject lens and revealed the sentence "860 rubles, and after two come to pick up!".

- «Friday?", Not believing his good fortune, I said (remember, that was Monday).
- «Why on Friday? Today, after two hours, well, if you hurry, you can sit here and we will clean for you ", which aroused my unbridled desire to enter into deal immediately and according to Christian tradition to kiss the culprit triumph thrice. But the cold calculation, innate skepticism and disbelief According to the Asian precision chilled my mind.
- «And if I do not like?" I made it a condition.
- «Do not like it, can not pay", suggested techniques, what finally convinced me in their magic magic.

Meanwhile, without solving the problem with the laptop in the body, which is designed to solve all these problems, I sent their foot in the computer center "Pantip Plaza", that type of Moscow pink salmon to Thai masters of self-taught. After long walks in my opinion stopped at a large service center, where the main ochumeltsy country proudly strolled in identical white robes with the company's color applique on the breast pocket like Andrei Aleksandrovich Bakhmet'eva from the TV program "So far, all at home."

- «I can not understand what the reason, whether in hardware, or Vindouz hiccup" abstrusely summed up the local computer nerd, flannel wiping cloth glasses.
chances for favorable resolution of a problem situation evaporates from each minute.
- «Damn, these are the same, I break and restarting the laptop, entered the BIOS, after a couple of manipulations in the space once again hopelessly hung his little black pisyuna. «Software - no, computer - fucked up!" I described the emotional crux of the problem.

Botany smiled, looked at each other and whispering, chose the bravest, who immediately escorted me to another center, along the way explaining what they are, are not real welders, and so, here color-blanch.

Hairy monster in the corporate suit, astronaut series "Star Wars" with obvious displeasure, turned his head away from the huge pirsingovanuyu LSD Monitor breaking away from a most crucial mission to save humanity from the virtual enslavement of carnivorous aliens and issued a slurred interrogative: "Cho shit?»

busily expanding on the table problem, I pressed the hidden button, wait for boot windows, turned the machine in the air, nothing ... has not happened, the laptop refused to hang. Winking goblins, making it clear that he focus is ahead, I grabbed this little nasty black Korobchenko and began to shake her violently in the air. The computer continued to work ...

Goblin, forgetting his crushing laser blaster and monsters with Alpha Centauri, opening his mouth with a ring on the lower lip, watching with interest what is happening as Vova Pupkin, 4 years on Christmas party at the kindergarten, "Strawberry" waiting for Grandpa Frost would get from his bottomless bag of magic for him personally a great racing machine is bright red.

I ran across the floor, on the run closing and opening the lid, throwing the machine up, spun him in a dashing waltz rhythm, which would have envied all the known characters of the Ice Age, headed by Tatyana Tarasova, who would call me personally to enter into a contract to participate in the show in a couple of Tanya Navka ... Laptop does not like to hang out categorically ...

camera I was given a receipt for exactly 2 hours, the lens shone and sparkled in the sun. Live immediately felt better, life has become merrier.
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