What continue to move inland, the less goes public transport, for this reason, in Albany I had to hang as much as 4 full days, was complicated by Storms and torrential rains.

city was founded in 1826, when the brig sailed here «Amity» ("Friendship") to establish dominance over Aborigines, 3 years earlier than in Perth that olbantsy do not get tired to stress, showing pertyaevtsam language on occasion. So now in Albany all the "Amity" - taxis private security company, an insurance company. A replica of the brig was erected on the waterfront, I look at these wooden troughs and marvel at how they can had to swim from Europe through three oceans.

Right in the heart of the city on the waterfront is going to border patrol boat for a fishing penguin-illegals riding to work on the farm to collect the strawberries and cherries. Detailed examination of the construction site has not detected any Uzbeks - poor Australians are doing everything themselves.

Unlike villages such as Pemberton, Volpoula and Denmark and resort Resort Dunsborough and Busselton, Albany, with its 30,000 inhabitants, real city, where even there is one main street of York Street, stretching between two hills (Melville 157m and 186m Clarence) and a commercial district with huge mall.

What I do not like in Australia - on any hill or viewing platform is well-paved road and there it is possible to drop even for campers, lost all the romance and self-worth climbing.

After the Battle-shop library is the most visited place in the country. Equipped with air conditioning, saving you from debilitating midday heat, free internet access, a scanner, a printer for a small coin, seatings and sofas, as well as the entire stacks of guides Lonely planet Australian production, to produce further route.

the opening of the the door is going to an impressive crowd of readers with the city and from all the surrounding farms, three employees behind the counter are worn all day as a squirrel in a cage, serving enormously long line of readers. Library of Australia is not only a source of knowledge, but also a place of social intercourse of the population living in the homes of individual building and not seeing any relatives or friends, or neighbors for weeks.

development of new technologies in the country prevent vast distances and propensity of Australians spend every spare moment in nature, and not at the computer. If in Asia, each grown out of diapers child has a mobile phone of the last generation, the Australian teen gets Mobil gift at best age. "We are the last place on the development of the Internet in the world ", cried to me one Australian. "Well, last but not least because," I hastened to console him, "there's still the Niger."

When you travel for a year is necessary to periodically arrange fasting days of Sightseeing - watch TV, read books, talk on the Internet with home, shop, cook something complicated, such as steak kengurinogo meat, because the kangaroo is not only a convenient handbag warm gloves and a beautiful soft fapochka, but 30-40 pounds easily digestible diet of meat. «Kangaroo meat - healthy choice".

Albany endpoint 963 (Nine sixty-three) Bibalman kilometer track (Bibbulmun) stretching from Perth. Every 200 meters of track are marked with a pointer to a column of distances, each 20 kilometers trehstennye shelters, toilets and tanks with drinking water, as well as free gas barbekyushnitsy.

Along the way, you can always hang a few days in some small town, restock food at the supermarket and move on or put up a tent on the very long and deserted beach Goode Beach National Park Torndirrup, where white sand on which it is impossible to watch because of the glare of the sun, such as flour creaks underfoot.

On average, the passage of the entire track takes a lifetime of 55-60 days.
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